Our Rich History
Established with a rich tradition of academic excellence and all-round development, St Michael’s has grown to become one of the island’s leading preparatory schools. Our timeline highlights key milestones that have shaped our school’s journey, from its founding to the present day. As you explore the significant events that have contributed to our success, you’ll discover a school that balances tradition with innovation, nurturing each child to reach their full potential in a supportive and inspiring environment.
St Michael’s Preparatory School was opened for boys aged 6 to 13 1/2 in October 1949 at No 4 Balmoral Terrace in St Helier, Jersey.
The Pre-Prep Department was added in January 1951, and in 1952 the current property was secured and the school moved to St Saviour.

In 1964 the school was acquired by the Carnegie family. In 1965, Mr John Carnegie was appointed Headmaster, alongside his wife Elspeth, they were responsible for making the school the success it is today.
In 1968 the first girls were accepted.
In 1974 a Charitable Trust was formed to run the school.
Mr John Carnegie retired as Headmaster in 1990 and Mr Richard de Figueiredo, a former pupil, was appointed as Headmaster.
In response to the declining popularity of boarding, the "boarding unit" closed, and in 1992 the Nursery was established in its place.
The Sports Hall was constructed and opened.
The main school was purchased from the Carnegie family forming a new Trust chaired by Mr Graham Richardson.
A new Trust was established in 2002 and, under new governance, the adjoining property and several surrounding fields were acquired to accommodate ever increasing numbers.

La Houguette Hall opened by the Lieutenant Governor, Sir John Cheshire.
In response to the declining popularity of boarding, the "boarding unit" closed, and in 1992 the Nursery was established in its place.

60th Anniversary. Court House opened by the Bailiff, Sir Michael Birt, a former pupil and parent.
Headmaster, Mr Richard de Figueiredo, retired and was replaced by Mr Mike Rees.
Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) Inspection successfully completed: Learning and Achievements categorised as Excellent, Personal Development categorised as Excellent.
Introduction of Shell Year (Year 9).
The Oscar Maclean Pavilion was opened by the Lieutenant Governor, Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Dalton.
The new all-weather Astro Pitch was opened by retired Headmaster, Mr Richard de Figueiredo.
Mr Henry Marshall appointed as Head.
ISI School Inspection successfully complete: Learning and Achievements categorised as Excellent, Personal Development categorised as Excellent.
The official 75th anniversary of St Michael’s.